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Let's co-create the future of sustainable food systems

Health professionals have always been rooted in science, but now global scientific consensus urges the integration of sustainable food systems within the scope of our practice.


believed that RDNs should be leaders in the sustainable nutrition education movement *

* Survey results from 2020 Food + Planet Sustainable Food System Master Class, conducted at the Today's Dietitian Symposium

Free Aquatic Foods Toolkit

Welcome to the Sustainable, Nutritious World of Aquatic Foods

Few topics today at the intersection of food, cuisine, health, and sustainability are more exciting than the vast potential of foods from the sea. Aquatic foods— foods derived from aquatic animals, plants, or algae— have long been enjoyed traditionally by many cultures through the centuries. Yet, they have been highlighted in recent landmark reports and research for their ability to help build a healthy, diversified, equitable, and sustainable food future.

In particular, flavorful foods from the rich world of sea vegetables or meaty bivalves (oysters, clams, and mussels) can help meet nutrient needs and fight climate change, offering a win-win of being both highly nourishing and highly sustainable.

Download our free toolkit for health professionals, featuring the sociocultural, environmental, economic, and nutritional benefits of these sustainable aquatic foods.

Watch the launch webinar here.






This white paper provides a road map of how we might meaningfully close the gap so that we can create a movement among nutrition professionals to catalyze change within the food system.

Discover high-impact strategies for consumers, institutions, and health professionals that advances sustainable food systems with these 11 actionable steps.

Integrate key findings from experts across the food system in this simple handout to help transform your practice.

Let's build a sustainable future together!

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Explore even more resources

Nutrition and health professionals have a vital role in sustainability. Explore our curated list of evidence-based resources to discover how you can put the four dimensions of sustainable diets into practice.


No Piece of the Pie
The report explains how the food system is a growing area of employment, yet food chain workers are poorly treated, receive low wages, and are at risk for food insecurity.
about No Piece of the Pie


Future 50 Foods
A report that identifies 50 plant-based foods that can boost the nutritional value of our meals while reducing the environmental impact of our food suplly and promote a more sustainable global food system.
about Future 50 Foods


Smart Urban Food Systems: What will the Future Taste Like?
An article that highlights the fact that cities could be the best place to lead the change in the sustainable food revolution through redesigning the system using circular economy principles.
about Smart Urban Food Systems: What will the Future Taste Like?


How to Sustainably Feed 10 Billion People by 2050, in 21 Charts
An easy-to-digest series of inforgraphics that illustrates what the WRI calls "a 5-Course Menu of Solutions", outlining on how the food system can close critical gaps (food, land, GHG emissions) to sustaianbly feed the estimated population by 2050.
about How to Sustainably Feed 10 Billion People by 2050, in 21 Charts